CRM, which knows securities companies best, is the best choice for 500+ financia
Know your workflow best
You may be the boss, system administrator, customer service, sales, marketing / operation We have the best functional practices that best fit the use scenarios of each role, making the work of each role simpler and more efficient
Know your business process best
Three mainstream transaction servers are seamlessly connected, four rebate modes are flexibly defined, 11 task processes flow efficiently, and customer information is easily managed Make business simple and growth natural
Know your usage habits best
Adopt the latest mainstream interaction mode in the world, simplify 70% unnecessary operation processes, and only bring you an unprecedented easy-to-use experience
I know your ambition best
Three international languages and KYC forms are flexibly configured to meet the regulatory needs of many countries. The whole world can be your battlefield, and we can give you more possibilities
Are you looking for such a CRM?
Safer data

Multi authority control

Flexibly set different roles: sales, agent, customer service, finance, administrator and other permissions

Anti DDoS Technology

Adopt the innovative and advanced Gigabit series anti DDoS attack technology in the financial industry

Military level data encryption

Military AES 256 bit data encryption technology at the same level as the bank is used

More professional service

We have the most professional pre-sales team dedicated to providing you with product consulting, solution information and other pre-sales services. We also have a dedicated customer success manager to provide you with 7 * 24 hours of after-sales support service within the life cycle. There is also 1-to-1 targeted system function training, which is fast and easy to start.

More efficient collaboration

Whether you are the boss of a securities company, system administrator, customer service, sales, marketing / operation, we have the best functional practices that best fit the use scenarios of each role. Make the work coordination between various roles more efficient and simpler. We desperately want to help you improve your work efficiency, but we just want you to have more time to waste your life.

Agent can also be used

Agents are still the main group of securities business development at present. Huijin financial technology CRM is a CRM that can be used by agents.

Agent multi-level management can help you easily divide permissions and configure rebate rules;

Real time or daily Commission automatic settlement can effectively help you save labor and time costs;

A more complete Commission statement allows every fund change to be followed.

It is also a convenient account management terminal for traders

The account opening form is 100% customized, and it supports 60 second fast account opening

Support multi platform account management at the same time, MT4, MT5, ctrader can all

Support fully customized brand information and effectively transmit platform influence

Information push, learning documents and other methods help novice traders grow rapidly

Support the automatic generation of exclusive promotion links for each trader, and securities companies can also make fission marketing with abnormal transformation effect

The quality and service that do not forget the original intention make us the No